Friday 27 September 2019

Simplest way to remove and uninstall react-native module or package

Hi guys, I recently ran into an issue while working with react-native. I installed a package for storage but the package didn't work as I had expected and it was causing significant error in the mobile app. I had to install a different package.
So, i went ahead to remove the previous package by doing normal npm uninstall --save
The above code only had effect in my package.json file, and caused the app to start showing white blank screen.
After several hours battling with the app and codes, I discovered that decided to try using react-native command rather than npm.
Show I did react-native uninstall which worked and everything began to work in the app again. The effect of this code is that it not only uninstall the packages the right way, it also unlinks them if they are linked.

Thank you for read, happy coding.

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Sunday 19 August 2018

My Portfilio Prior to this Day

Hello, below you can find some of my most inspiring and complex projects i have worked on:

 NDE Smartfarmer Project (offline)

And lots more which are still offline.

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Tuesday 20 June 2017

Jquery Circular Countdown-up Wordpress Plugin

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Monday 1 February 2016

Ultra-light and simple Accordion With Jquery

remember to include jQuery library before the javascript code below.
here is the code:
        var self = $('.faq-body');
        $('.faq-body .faq-answer').hide();
            return false;
<article class="col-xs-12">
<div class="faq-body">
<h5 class="faq-question"><a href="#" title="">Topic heading </a></h5>
<div class='faq-answer'>Content</div>
You can add you style as you wish.

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Tuesday 26 January 2016

CSS3: Using vw and vh units

VW simply means viewport width while VH is viewport height.

So, you've heard about px, pt, em, and the fancy new rem. Let's look at a couple more: vw and vh.
Often times, there are certain elements within our design that we'd like to ensure can fit into the viewport in their entirety. Normally, we'd have to use JavaScript to do this. Check the size of the viewport and then resize any elements on the page accordingly. If the user resizes the browser then the script runs again to resize the elements on the page.

With vw/vh, we can size elements to be relative to the size of the viewport. The vw/vh units are interesting in that 1 unit reflects 1/100th the width of the viewport. To make an element the full width of the viewport, for example, you'd set it to width:100vw.

Putting it to good use

Lightboxes seem like a great candidate for using vw and vh units, since the lightbox is normally positioned in relation to the viewport. For elements positioned in relation to the viewport, however, I find using fixed positioning with top, bottom, left, and right values to be an easier approach—completely forgoing the need to specify height and width at all.
A good use case for these new units would be for content that sits within a normal document flow. For example, scrolling this page, I could include a number of screenshots. For those screenshots, I don't want them to exceed the height of the viewport. In this case, I can set a maximum height on my images.
img { max-height:95vh; }
In this case, I set the height to 95 to give the element a little bit of breathing room while on the page.

Browser Support

This feature is supported by all major browsers including internet explorer 9.

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Monday 18 January 2016

Developing a web base fingerprint/biometric software using PHP and Javascript

Hello, i got some request few days ago on how to use fingerprint with php. Here are some useful links to check out if you are considering developing a web base fingerprint app.

And yes, it is possible with todays technologies, but not directly. I am yet to develop a fingerprint software of any platform, so i have not test any of the above solutions.

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Thursday 14 January 2016

Detect if file is not empty before upload in PHP

I was working with a script developed by something else and i got hooked because i could not post content due to some logical issue with the programming of the script.
The script was design to upload file whether empty or not and this was causing problem for me because i am not attaching a file to the post.
Here is the code to here detect if the file upload is not empty:
if(!$_FILES["file"]['error'] == 4){ //process upload }

That solves the issue, i could now post without upload a file.

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Monday 11 January 2016

Search and replace string in PHP

Search and replace string in php.
Search and replacing string is not difficult using the function str_replace();
I have to search a string (actually an html content which i extracted from a file using file_get_content()), string to was src=" and replace with src="http://path/to/the/image/folder/ and i acheived this by simply str_replace('src="','src="http://path/to/the/image/folder/',$str);

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Friday 8 January 2016

Working with PHP ZipArchieve Class

This happened today, it was my first time working with zip file.
The issue came up when i opened the file like this:

$zFile = $zip->open($filePath,  \ZipArchive::OVERWRITE);

After opening the file i was trying to extract to another directory, this returns true but no extracted data was found.
The is a really troublesome bug, but thank God for the internet.
After sometime i debugged and removed the \ZipArchive::OVERWRITE and it worked.

$zFile = $zip->open($filePath);

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Monday 14 September 2015

In 20years to come, What stage will technology (particularly web development) be?

Hello fellow developers, bloggers and tech enthusiast.
I first saw a computer in early 2000 and started web development 2007.
My first encounter with a computer was when it was brought to my school for practical training and we played pac man game. I was very excited, then computer(Microsoft window) was still in black and white and no appealing GUI( graphical user interface).

Lets have your say.

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